Latest Sermons

For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God. - 1 Corinthians 1:18


Watch The King’s Ambassador


Jul 2024

The King’s Ambassador

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

There should be a difference in the way that Christians conduct themselves that shows what is in their hearts.

Watch Grapes, Grace and Grumbling


Jul 2024

Grapes, Grace and Grumbling

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message

The parable of the workers in the vineyard is one of the most important parables. It can also be one of the most difficult and controversial parables that Jesus shared.

Watch Proving the Prophets


Jul 2024

Proving the Prophets

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

What is prophecy? Are there prophets? Can we believe what the Bible says about the future? How do we know between true and false prophets?

Watch The Deadly Mark


Jul 2024

The Deadly Mark

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

666. What is it? What does it mean? How does one get it? Will you be lost if you have it?

Watch Rediscovering Reverence and the Fear of God


Jul 2024

Rediscovering Reverence and the Fear of God

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message

Unless you nurture it, reverence is lost and in losing reverence you lose the comprehension of what sin is and what salvation is. The nature of God is affected by our attitude about God and His holiness.

Watch Bowing to the Beast


Jun 2024

Bowing to the Beast

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

In the last days on this earth the devil is going to tell us to change one of God's commandments. We are going to have to choose between obeying God and obeying men.

Watch A Mother-Daughter Conspiracy


Jun 2024

A Mother-Daughter Conspiracy

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

What do Herod, Herodias, Salome, and John the Baptist have to do with end-time Bible prophecy?

Watch Standing on the High Ground


Jun 2024

Standing on the High Ground

Pastor Doug's Weekly Message

How do we stand on the high ground? Stand fast in the faith. We need to come up to God's level. What we watch and listen to will either lift us up, or pull us down.

Watch Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 2


Jun 2024

Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 2

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronger, more abundant life? - Part 2

Watch Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 1


Jun 2024

Refusing Babylon’s Buffet, Pt. 1

Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

What does the Bible say about how to take care of our bodies so that we could have a longer, stronger, more abundant life? - Part 1